Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 25 August 2019

Key figures

24.1 M people in need

3.65 M displaced since March 2015

More than 80 per cent have been displaced more than a year

53,240 families since January 2019

1.28 M IDP returnees

266,021 refugees

10,154 asylumseekers


USD 198.6 M required for 2019 operations

IDP Response

UNHCR is closely monitoring developments in the southern governorates of Yemen, as recent clashes in Aden have raised anxiety amongst UNHCR’s persons of concern, including refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced persons (IDPs). UNHCR and partners have noted rising fear amongst IDPs, particularly those originating from the northern governorates of Yemen, of confiscation of identification cards, arrests and subsequent forced relocations, which has hindered IDPs’ freedom of movement and access to services. UNHCR and Protection Cluster partners are conducting protection monitoring, legal assistance and counselling, as well as advocacy with authorities to ensure that refugees, asylum seekers and IDPs continue to enjoy their individual rights and are protected.

In other parts of Yemen, emergency distributions to IDPs affected by conflict are ongoing. In Sa’ada governorate there are reportedly some ten active frontlines, and displacement continues due to heavy airstrikes, shellfire and clashes on the ground. UNHCR, through its partner YDF, distributed a total of 418 basic household items in the central district of As Safra. In the neighbouring Al Jawf governorate, UNHCR, through partner YARD, distributed basic household items to 1,200 IDP families in the northwestern district of Barat Al Anan.

UNHCR and partners are following up on reports that some 400 families have fled from Al Bireen area, Al Ma’afer district in Taizz governorate, to the neighbouring district of Ash Shamayatayn. According to IOM Rapid Displacement Tracking, this represents more than ten percent of the entire displaced population from Taizz (4,184 households), since the beginning of 2019.
While conducting verification on the numbers of displaced families, UNHCR, together with Cluster partners, is responding by providing food, water and emergency shelter.

Strong rains and flash floods across Yemen continue to bring misery to persons of concern, particularly in the north-western districts of Hudaydah, with more rains expected in the coming weeks. UNHCR partner Jeel Al Bena conducted a rapid needs assessment, distributing 1,040 basic household items and 511 emergency shelters to address loss of shelter and property. In the southern districts in Taizz governorate, a total of 550 families were assisted with basic household items or emergency shelters. In Amran, UNHCR through partner SDF, distributed as an emergency measure, a total of 254 plastic sheets to IDP sites affected by the recent rains, and 107 basic household items to IDPs in various locations. UNHCR is also responding by pre-positioning basic household items and emergency shelter kits, and strengthening verification exercises in the affected areas.

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