Yemen Nutrition Cluster Bulletin, Issue 7: Oct-Dec 2018

Inside this issue:

1 Overview of Nutrition Cluster Performance in 2018

2 Cluster Objective 1: Deliver quality lifesaving interventions for acutely malnourished girls, boys and pregnant and lactating women

3 Cluster Objective 2: Contribute to prevention of malnutrition by enhancing BSFP, micronutrient support, deworming and IYCF

4 IFRR: Integrated Famine Risk Reduction

5 Cluster Objective 3: Strengthen capacity of national authorities and local partners, to ensure effective, decentralized nutrition

6 Cluster Objective 4: Ensure a predictable, timely and effective nutrition response through strengthening robust evidence based system and nutrition needs

7 Key contacts

8 About Yemen Nutrition Cluster

Overview of Nutrition Cluster Performance in 2018

At the end of 2018, the nutrition cluster comprised of 38 partners ( 5 UN agencies , 1 government, 15 international NGOs, and 17 local NGOs ) that collectively recorded significant achievements. Some of the key achievements included:

 Outpatient therapeutic feeding program (OTP) was scaled up from 324 districts in 2017 to 329 districts in 2018. Similarly, the number of districts with TSFP increased to 276 districts by the end of 2018 from 221 districts in 2017. Meanwhile ,the coverage of OTP and TSFP sites increased to 3,623 (83%) and 3,082 (70%) health facilities respectively during reporting period.

 The number of children with severe acute malnutrition admitted in OTPs sites reached 345,463 representing 129 % the 2018 annual target. Moreover, 14,252 children were suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) with complication that were treated in Therapeutic Feeding Centers (TFCs).

 Targeted supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP), enrolled a total of 566,699 moderately acute malnourished (MAM) underfive children representing 77% of the 2018 annual target. The corresponding figure for PLW was 408,148 representing 72% of the annual target.

 Performance on preventive interventions were also impressive.
The number of children reached with micronutrient supplementation reached 855,054 representing 129% of the annual target and twice the number reached in 2017. Vitamin A supplementation was provided to a total of 3,422,260 under-five children most of them through national campaign organized by MOPHP in collaboration with UNICEF and partners.

 Meanwhile, 345,096 children and 454,225 pregnant and lactating women were enrolled in blanket supplementary feeding program (BSFP) representing a 185% increase compared to under-two children reached in 2017. Summary of key interventions against 2018 targets are presented in table2 below.

 In addition, nutrition education on improving exclusive breast feeding in the first 6 months, IYCF counselling and supplementary feedings for children under two years was provided to 1,778,853 pregnant and lactating women and care givers.
Finally, with respect to capacity building, a total of 9,714 health workers and community health volunteers were trained on basic nutrition package on CMAM, IYCF and TFCs etc.
For more understanding on the 2018 responses and coverage compared to 2017, please see tables below

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