Yemen: Monthly Situation Report No. 12 (December 2019)


  • Supporting 476 CU5 and PLW with TSFP services through 9 targeted health facilities in As Silw and Sama districts of Taizz Governorate.
  • 98,341 CU2 and PLW are provided with BSFP in 7 districts (Far Al-Udayn, Al-Udayn , Hazm Al-Udayn, Mudhaikhera, Al Qafr, Same, As Silw) of Ibb and Taizz Governorates.
  • Educating a total of 74,870 individuals disaggregated (8,179 men, 21,491 pregnant women, 22,064 lactating women, 23,136 other women) through awareness raising campaigns in 7 districts.
  • Providing vital medical care to the vulnerable in Al-Qafr District.
  • construction works of 100 latrines’ cesspits and rehabilitation of community assets in Khairan Al Muharraq district.
  • The trained members began the registration process of beneficiaries, listing 1,500 vulnerable HHs in Baadan district.
  • Distributing food rations to severely food insecure families in Al-Bayda Governorate.
  • Launching the second phase of the desludging activity in which 640 cesspits are targeted in Bani Al-Harith district.
  • Of 100, RDP has completed the construction of 25 HHs latrines in Khairan Al Muharraq district.
  • Of 263 health facilities, RDP has successfully assessed 141 HFs over four governorates.
  • Training six youth initiatives on international and national mechanisms to combat gender-based violence.

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