Attacks that kill civilians are no longer an anomaly in Yemen’s war

Statement by Mohamed Abdi, country director for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Yemen

The Norwegian Refugee Council is aghast at reports of more Saudi-led coalition strikes on Yemeni civilians travelling by bus in Hodeidah yesterday afternoon. We note with anger an unacceptable pattern of attacks on civilian women, men and children by parties to the conflict who profess concern for the interests and welfare of Yemeni people. We extend our condolences to Yemeni families experiencing untold loss as a result.

Attacks that kill and maim civilians are no longer an anomaly in Yemen’s war. Dozens of people were killed by explosions outside a hospital and market in early August. A week later, more than 50 people were slaughtered when airstrikes hit a busload of children. A week after that, more than 25 people were struck dead while fleeing homes on which fighting had closed in the south of Hodeidah city. Last week, missiles hit a camp of displaced people, killing one woman and injuring 15 others. The drumbeat of assaults on men, women and children is one that has become appallingly routine. We are no longer shocked by atrocities of this kind but are astounded at the fact that they are allowed to go on with the full knowledge of western powers funding and fuelling this war.

Repeated, emphatic calls on parties to the conflict for measures that protect civilians from violence continue to be disregarded. International laws and resolutions that compel parties to the conflict to mitigate the impact of this war on civilians have gone unheeded. We again call on parties to the conflict to immediately cease attacks on civilians, and we urge the countries supporting them to rethink their contribution to a war that has a country on its knees. It is beyond time for a political resolution to end this war.”

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