Yemen: Health Cluster Bulletin, April 2018
- Health Cluster partners continue to provide health services by supporting 1,753 Health Facilities (16 Governorate Hospitals, 95 District Hospitals, 50 General Hospitals, 19 Specialized Hospitals, 456 Health Centers and 1,117 Health Units). The Health Cluster partners also support the GHO and DHO through paying incentives to health staff as well as administration / logistics support to local health authorities.
- Health partners are providing trauma management including pre-hospital care in 164 health facilities, maternal and newborn care in 293 facilities, comprehensive emergency obstetric care in 31 health centers, mental health/psychosocial support in 13 health facilities, and physiotherapy in 12 health facilities.
- The Health and WASH Cluster has finalized Cholera Operational Plan and shared with partners for implementation to ensure proper prevention, preparedness and response to the Cholera outbreak.