WFP Yemen Country Brief, February 2019
In Numbers
9.3 m people assisted in February 2019
106,645 mt of general food assistance dispatched
US$ 18.4 m cash-based and commodity transfers made
US$ 603.3 m six months (March – August 2019) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
• In February, WFP provided general food assistance (GFA) for some 9.3 million people in 19 Yemeni governorates, 80 percent of the monthly target of 11.7 million people. Of this, 6.8 m received in-kind assistance, 2.5 m received commodity vouchers, and 114,700 received cash-based transfers (CBT).
• On 1 February, WFP had a meeting in Amman with UNDP, the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, the Yemen Humanitarian Coordinator, DPA, UNVIM, UNOPS and OCHA to discuss Hudaydah port management. The parties had proposed a limited UN role whereby technical support would be provided in the form of advisory support.
• On 14 February, the UN Country Team in Yemen published the 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview.
An estimated 80 percent of the population – 24 million people are estimated to require some form of humanitarian or protection assistance in 2019.
• On 26 February, WFP chartered the vessel MV ELENA carrying 440 containers of WFP vegetable oil from Salalah Port to Hudaydah Port. This is the first containerized vessel to arrive at Hudaydah since May 2018.
• On 26 February, a UN joint mission (WFP, OCHA, DSS,
UNDP) escorted by the United Nations Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) crossed conflict lines and visited the Red Sea Mills on the outskirts of Hudaydah city, which have been damaged in fighting and inaccessible to WFP since September 2018. The mills store some 51,000 metric tons of WFP wheat, sufficient to feed 3.7 million food insecure people for one month. The mission found that some of the wheat is heavily infested and requires fumigation. More details on the quality of the wheat will be shared in the mission report.
• On 26 February, the Yemen Pledging Conference was held in Geneva. A total of USD 2.6 billion was pledged out of a total appeal of USD 4.2 billion. WFP is awaiting further details on funding allocations to WFP