Yemen: Monthly Situation Report No. 07 (July 2019)


• Lifesaving assistance of general food distribution to benefit 53,410 Individuals.

• Last Distribution Cycle of Cash Transfer Assistance to support 19,600 Individuals.

• Formation of FMCs and training them on how to fill in the registration form of beneficiaries.

• Supporting 104 FDPs with BSFP Services in (Far Al-Udayn, Hazm Al-Udayn, Mudhiakhera, and Al-Udayn).

• Scaling up Nutrition Responses in IBB & Taizz Governorates.

• Conducting Awareness Raising Sessions on Health & Nutrition Key Messages.

• More than 510 suspected cholera cases have reported to our DTCs and 600 cases were treated in our ORCs.

• Integrated Emergency Response Project in Al Qafr District of IBB Governorate.

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