WFP Yemen Country Brief, October 2019

In Numbers

12.3 million people assisted in October 2019 119,510 mt of general food assistance dispatched USD

5.3 million cash-based transfers made

USD 19.1 million value of redeemed commodities through food vouchers

USD 655 million six months net funding requirements (December 2019 – May 2020)

Operational Updates

• Throughout October, the fuel situation remained of major concern. In September, the Internationally Recognized Government of Yemen (IRG) began to strictly enforce the new fuel regulations. As a result, commercial vessels carrying fuel have been blocked from entering Hudaydah port by the Saudi-led Coalition (SLC). On October 23, an agreement was reached over the payment of fuel tariffs by both sides. Towards the end of October, the fuel situation has seen a slight improvement as seven vessels were granted entry to Hudaydah port. As of 31 October, six vessels carrying around 143,000 mt of fuel remain in the Coalition’s holding area.

• In October, a trial to transport 700 mt of WFP wheat from the Red Sea Mills in Hudaydah governorate has been conducted successfully. The mills originally housed some 51,000 mt of WFP wheat, enough to feed 3.7 million people for one month.

• Under the October distributions, WFP assisted 12.3 million people, achieving 96 percent of the monthly target. The amount of people assisted via cash assistance is the highest yet with 469,895 people reached in three governorates in the South.

• In October, WFP reached the hard-to-reach area of Durayhimi City in Hudaydah, providing assistance to some 200 civilians. WFP provided immediate response rations and general food assistance alongside dignity and hygiene kits, water and medical supplies and nutritious products for the population. This is the second time WFP has reached this population in 2019.

• WHO reports that over 748,500 suspected cholera cases and 980 associated deaths have been reported in Yemen so far in 2019. WFP’s Bilateral Service Provision (BSP) has delivered fuel to 181 health facilities on behalf of WHO and 48 water treatment facilities on behalf of UNICEF. BSP is also delivering Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS) kits consisting of a 4-month supply of ORS, aqua-tabs and jerry cans to beneficiaries through WFP’s General Food Distribution (GFD).

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