Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 13 February 2020
Key figures:
24.1 M
people in need
3.65 M displaced since March 2015
More than 80 per cent have been displaced more than a year
66,499 families newly displaced since beginning of 2019
1.28 M IDP 268,511 refugees
10,682 asylum- seekers
USD 211.9 M required for 2020 operations
IDP Response
The UNHCR-led Shelter/NFI cluster is continuing country-wide winter assistance.
As of January 2020, a total of 33,779 families were assisted with cash or in-kind items, including clothing for those living in remote areas with no access to markets, mainly in Taizz (6,636), Dhamar (4,812) and Sana’a (4,148 families).
Ongoing instability in the north-west district of Majzar in Marib governorate continues to drive displacement. During the reporting period, some 400 families fled to the south-west districts of Hazm and Al Khalq in Al Jawf governorate. Sub-National clusters partners in Sa’ada Hub are ensuring distributions, of Rapid Response Mechanism kits which consist of food ration, hygiene products and dignity kits. Meanwhile, UNHCR Sub Office Aden, through partner SHS, continued to distribute basic household items to some 300 displaced families in Hadramaut, Shabwa and Al Bayda governorates.
During the reporting period, some 800 individuals benefited from social support services from three Community Centres in Amanat Al Asimah, Sana’a and Dhamar governorates. The most noted consultations related to issues involving family, displacement, health and finances. Some 140 persons who reported suffering from depression, fear, and mental health issues were provided with psychological services. Many were relying on basic household items due to a lack of a stable income to cover their daily needs. Some 129 individuals received legal support mainly related to documentation. In 2019, legal counselling benefited a total of 63,631 individuals, while 30,376 individuals received psychosocial support. UNHCR also facilitated the issuance of 11,375 national cards and 3,954 birth certificates.