Yemen – Covid-19 (DG ECHO, UN, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 15 May 2020)
- The humanitarian situation in Yemen is rapidly deteriorating due to compounded effects of Covid-19 and existing needs in a country, qualified as the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis.
- While number of Covid-19 cases formally declared by authorities remains low (72 countrywide of which only 2 in the north), according to the UN there is a very high probability that the virus is spreading undetected.
- Humanitarian actors directly providing medical assistance in the country observe catastrophic mortality rates in supported structures, due to concomitant outbreaks of communicable diseases. Initial analysis of reported cases raises fear of high scale mortality also at community level.
- The health system faces risks to collapse due to limited capacity, lack of equipment and specialised staff. Required medical equipment is imported slowly and in insufficient quantity.
- DG ECHO partners are working to sustain critical life-saving operations and to respond to Covid-19 outbreak. The response focuses on case management, risk communications, community engagement, and protection of the wider public health system.