Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 1 October 2020
IDP Response
As the CCCM cluster lead, UNHCR completed WASH interventions and maintenance works through partner YARD at four IDP sites in Al Jawf governorate, including temporary homes for a total of 200 families and 50 host community families living nearby. In Rawnar Mathab IDP site, the IDPs took part in rehabilitating the road leading to the site, for which they received incentives. The IDPs had initially suggested the interventions at the sites who were until then relying on the host community’s WASH facilities.
UNHCR partner JAAHD trained 35 IDP and five refugee tailors in Hudaydah governorate to lead the production of 14,000 facemasks over the course of a month. Partner RADF in Abs district, Hajjah governorate also trained 20 IDP and ten vulnerable host community members, who produced and received payments for a total of 18,250 facemasks from UNHCR and distributed among IDPs, refugees, the vulnerable host community members, as well as frontline partner staff.
As the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) cluster lead, UNHCR provided two new replacement tents for Dharawan IDP hosting site in Hamdan district, Sana’a governorate, for use by health care facilities run by Ministry of Health. Some 265 families are currently seeking temporary shelter at the site. IDPs in the area have recently faced regular threats of eviction from landowners, who as members of the host community are seeking to be included as part of humanitarian distributions to vulnerable persons. Preventing and resolving evictions and land right disputes remains a priority for UNHCR and CCCM cluster, who recently developed a process map to guide stakeholders on how to negotiate and explore long-term solutions, such as establishing new IDP hosting site or facilitating relocations to existing ones.
Refugee Response
UNHCR and partners in Sub Office Aden continue with preparations for the 2020/2021 school year. Schools in Kharaz refugees camp received stationery items, waste disposal bins and cleaning materials. UNICEF also provided 5,000 masks to support 3,000 students who will attend school in the camp, as well as teachers and staff. UNHCR also provied stationary items to schools in Basateen neighbourhood, Aden governorate, for refugee students preparing for a physical return to school.
COVID-19 awareness-related activities continue through UNHCR partners in Sana’a. A total of 1,053 refugees and asylum-seekers received individual awareness-raising sessions on COVID-19 prevention measures, personal hygiene and the importance of education by partners SDF, INTERSOS and Bluemont through multiple channels, including at community centres, via telephone, hotlines, home-based assessments and visits. In the south, UNHCR and partner CSSW led awareness-raising activities on COVID-19, reaching close to 2,000 refugees and host community members through socially distanced info sessions with small groups, door-to-door visits, and counselling at services points and health facilities.