Yemen: Monthly Situation Report (December 2020)
• 56,530 CU2 were provided with BSFP commodities through hundreds of food distribution points in 7 districts of IBB and Hajjah governorates.
• 374 MAM cases received therapeutic supplements of Plumpy Sup & WSB+ throughout 12 supported health facilities in Sama and As Silw districts of Taizz governorate.
• 60,561 individuals were benefitted from awareness-raising campaigns on health and nutrition key messages in 12 districts of IBB, Hajjah, and Dhamar governorates.
• Providing healthcare services through RDP-supported health facilities to benefit a number of 2,961 individuals in Rahaba district, Marib governorate.
Food Security & Livelihood
• Launching the second distribution round of in-kind food assistance – unconditional voucher transfer – to serve 120 HHs of IDPs and most vulnerable marginalized within the second phase of emergency food assistance project in Rada’a district of Al Bayda governorate.
• Distributing a total amount of 689.04 MTs of food rations to 53,480 individuals within the general food assistance in Al Malagim, Wald Rabi, and As Sawadiya districts of Al Bayda governorate.
• Benefitting a total number of 5,478 individuals from the conducted awareness sessions on Cholera and Covid-19 – related messages in Al Malagim and As Sawadiya districts of Al Bayda governorate.