WHO Yemen Update Situation report – Issue no.3 (March 2021)
- COVID19 Response: WHO in partnership with UNICEF, supported the arrival of the first batch of 360,000 doses of AstraZeneca COVID19 vaccines shipped through the Covax facility P 03
- Infection & Prevention Control: WHO and the Ministry of Public Health & Population on 13-15 March organized an Infection & Prevention Control (IPC) workshop in Aden for 42 reproductive health workers from 11 governorates to improve the quality of IPC at Maternal & Newborn health departments.
P 05 - WHO & partners continue their fight against child malnutrition through increasing its support to therapeutic feeding centres (TFCs), reaching 100 TFCs to improve access to treatment for severely malnourished children with medical complications.
P 06 - Malaria Control & Prevention: As part of their joint Malaria Control & Prevention Project, WHO and KSRelief distributed in March 1200 sprayers for indoor residual & larviciding spray, 1200 valves, and spare parts to support malaria vector control campaigns in targeted governorates in Yemen