WFP Yemen Country Brief, April 2021

In Numbers

9 million people targeted in April 2021

96,600 mt of general food assistance

US$10.7 million cash-based transfers

US$5.7 million food vouchers

US$405.5 million six-month net funding requirements (June – November 2021)

Operational Updates

• Under the April cycle, WFP targeted nine million people with general food assistance (GFA). Of these, 6.1 million people were targeted with in-kind food assistance, around 1.7 million people with food vouchers and over 1.2 million people with cash assistance.

• In the southern areas, 4.25 million beneficiaries are to be biometrically registered. By the end of April, around 1.72 million beneficiaries have been biometrically registered in the areas under the Internationally Recognized Government of Yemen (IRG). In November 2020, WFP launched biometric registration and the provision of cash through GFA in the areas under the Sana’a-based authorities. By the end of April, around 44,500 people have been biometrically registered and activities are proceeding in three districts in Sana’a city, with the aim to register around 141,000 people within the first phase.

• The military escalation in Ma’rib governorate, which started in February 2021 has led to a wave of displacement. By the end of April, 23,000 people are reported displaced. To respond,
WFP is targeting internally displaced people (IDPs) who are already registered at the place of re-displacement. In addition, through its rapid response mechanism (RRM) partners, WFP is providing an immediate emergency assistance package, as well as a one-month food ration to newly displaced households. In this initial response plan, WFP will support the provision of emergency food assistance for 15,000 households (105,000 people) for three months.

• In April, WFP started to progressively scale up levels of assistance to six million people in nine of the most food insecure governorates in northern Yemen. Monthly assistance will resume in these governorates from June until August while additional advocacy efforts continue.

• On 27 April, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) operated its third flight to Ma’rib governorate. The first two flights were conducted in March. Humanitarian organizations were using the Sayun – Ma’rib road to reach the governorate. This new flight route to Ma’rib will allow improved humanitarian access to the area

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