WFP Yemen Country Brief, July 2021
In Numbers
11.3 million people targeted for general food assistance in July 2021
90,300 mt of general food assistance
US$13.2 million in cash transfers
US$20.1 million in commodity vouchers
US$470.4 million six-month net funding requirement (August 2021 – January 2022)
Operational Updates
• Under the July cycle, WFP targeted 11.3 million people for general food assistance (GFA). Of these, 7.8 million people were targeted with in-kind food assistance, around 2.3 million people with commodity vouchers and more than 1.2 million people with cash assistance.
• On 30 July, WFP and FAO released their latest “Hunger Hotspots” early warning analysis. The analysis notes Yemen as one of five “highest alert level” hotspots. WFP projects that from August to November 2021, the factors that drive food insecurity suggest a further deterioration is likely, as the economic decline will continue to affect people’s purchasing power and access to food.
• The military escalation in Ma’rib governorate, which started in February 2021, has led to a wave of population displacement, and by the end of July, around 24,800 people had been displaced. Through its Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) partners, WFP is providing an immediate emergency assistance package, as well as a one-month food ration to newly displaced households. In addition, WFP has completed the verification of new IDPs and has included some 35,000 new IDPs in its regular assistance since the beginning of 2021.
• In the southern areas, WFP is in the process of biometrically registering 4.2 million beneficiaries. By the end of July, around 1.8 million beneficiaries have been biometrically registered in the areas under the Internationally Recognized Government of Yemen (IRG). In November 2020, WFP launched biometric registration and the provision of cash through GFA in the areas under the Sana’a-based authorities. By the end of July, around 118,600 people have had their biometric data registered into SCOPE (WFP’s beneficiary and transfer management platform), and nearly 52,000 people were biometrically registered and were either enrolled or ready to be enrolled for cash assistance.
• Heavy rains over the coastal Tehama plains during July has triggered flash floods that have inundated vast swathes of land. Initial reports indicates that around 7,766 households (approximately 38,800 people) have been affected by floods in a number of governorates. The full extent of the floods and their impact is not yet determined as the heavy rains continue and assessments are still ongoing. WFP stands ready to respond if needed.