UNICEF Yemen Country Office Humanitarian Situation Report Mid-year (Reporting Period: 1 January 2021 – 30 June 2021) [EN/AR]


• COVID-19 continued to threaten the lives of children and their families in Yemen in 2021, with the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 reaching 6,931 cases. 1,363 deaths were reported, reaching a 19.7 per cent case fatality rate (CFR).

• UNICEF continued its lifesaving multi-sectoral integrated Nutrition programming, to address close to 400,000 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 2.25 million children at risk of acute malnutrition. A total of 2,378,616 children under 5 years were screened for malnutrition through multiple interventions in 2021. Out of these, 109,700 children with SAM were admitted for treatment without complications in Outpatient Treatment Programmes (OTPs), with an 88 per cent cure rate. Also, 8,488 children with SAM and complications were admitted to therapeutic feeding centres (TFCs).

• The rate of displacement in the first half of 2021 notably worsened, as more than 20,000 families (140,000 individuals) were newly displaced or left their location of displacement towards a safer destination. The highest numbers of displacements were linked to tensions resulting from conflict that were observed in 49 active frontlines across Marib, Hajja, Taiz, Al Hudaydah, Al Jawf, Lahj and Al Dhale’e.

• UNICEF faces a funding gap of 49 per cent. Lack of funding for emergency WASH interventions continues to undermine our integrated response. UNICEF will be forced to reduce its provision of fuel to water pumping stations in September 2021 if funding is not urgently mobilized.



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