Yemen: Food Assistance Fact Sheet – January 31, 2019


  • Due to ongoing conflict, Yemen hosts the largest food security emergency in the world. Nearly 16 million people—approximately 53 percent of Yemen’s population—face Crisis (IPC 3) or worse conditions countrywide, according to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC).* An end to the conflict is the only solution to the root issues driving food insecurity in Yemen, according to international relief actors.
  • As of December, the IPC identified more than 63,000 people experiencing Catastrophe (IPC 5) conditions across 25 districts in eight of Yemen’s 22 governorates. Food insecurity is most severe in areas with active fighting and is particularly affecting internally displaced persons, host families, marginalized groups and landless wage laborers who have limited ability to work and lack access to basic services.
  • While ongoing humanitarian assistance is likely preventing millions more people from experiencing worse levels of food insecurity, famine remains a credible threat in Yemen in 2019. Prolonged disruption of operations at the country’s critical ports would likely result in Famine (IPC 5) conditions, according to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET). Additionally, the UN reports further deterioration of macroeconomic conditions could push millions of additional Yemenis into food insecurity.

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