Yemen: Health Cluster Bulletin, May 2019
- A total of 2,868 Health Facilities (17 Governorate Hospitals, 112 District Hospitals, 57 General Hospitals, 19 Specialized Hospitals, 907 Health Centers and 1,756 Health Units) are supported by Health Cluster Partners.
- The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases from 1st January 2019 to 31st May 2019 is 366,205, with 640 associated deaths (CFR 0.17%). With an attack rate of 128/10,000 population; Children under five represent 23% of the total suspected cases during 2019. The outbreak has affected 22 of 23 governorates and 295 of 333 districts in Yemen.
- The Health Cluster Partners supported 194 DTCs and 1,040 ORCs across Yemen in 147 priority districts. There still exists a gap in four (4) districts Hyran district in Hajjah, Al-Munirah, Buraq and Al-Dhuraymi districts in Hudaydah Governorate.
- The Global Health Cluster led Reproductive Health project that is implemented by the Yemen Health Cluster supported a training on Infection Prevention and Control from 4th to 6th May 2019 for 35 health workers from selected pilot health facilities in two districts of Ibb (Al- Udayn) and Dhamar (Utoma). A similar training is planned in Aden early July 2019.
- The online survey for Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring is completed and a consultative workshop for health partners and national authorities is planned for next month to share preliminary results and develop recommendations.
Situation Update
The humanitarian situation in Yemen is dire. There are currently 83 districts which are hard to reach in Yemen, which are predominantly impacted by conflict, including shifting front lines. In some of the districts access is further complicated by bureaucratic restrictions, delays in approving and clearing imports of essential equipments and delayed signing of Sub Agreements to facilitate implementation of programs and projects in the neediest areas. This in essence affects the delivery of quality, effective and efficient health care. Damaged and/or destroyed/closed roads hamper access to some of the most in need locations thus health care delivery is made more difficult or not available at all.
Because of improved coordination and collaboration in the approach to prevention and control of cholera, there has been witnessed a fair decline in the number of cholera cases over the last few weeks.