The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 21/8/2016

Violation date: Sunday 21/8/2016

Time: over 24 hours

Place of Violation: Sana’a, Taiz, Saada, AL-Jawf, AL-Hodeida and Ibb.

Violator: Saudi – Led Coalition “War on Yemen”

Casualties and damages:


( 6 airstrikes)

  • Two airstrikes targeted AL-Majaweha area, Nehm district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted AL-Madfoun area, Nehm district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted AL-Manar Mountain, Bani Matar district.


(4 airstrikes)

  • One airstrike targeted AL-Wa’ash Mountain.
  • Three airstrikes targeted Softel area, AL-Hawban district.


(9 airstrikes)

  • Two airstrikes targeted AL-Baha Public Market, Baqem district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted Munabeh area, Baqem district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted Ketaf district.
  • One airstrike targeted a civilian’s house in Maran area, Haidan district.
  • One airstrike targeted the house of AL-Sheikh/ Adel Ardoum in Maran area, Haidan district.
  • The warplanes dropped a sound bomb in Saada City.


( 5 airstrikes)

  • Two airstrikes targeted AL-Maslub district.
  • One airstrike targeted AL-Ghail district.
  • Three civilians were killed and 3 others were injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by 2 airstrikes on a civilian’s car at the public road in AL-Hadhena area, AL-Matamma district.


( 20 airstrikes)

  • Four airstrikes targeted the tower and bridge of Yemen Mobile and destroyed the station with the communications network at AL-Matar Street that leads to 22 Show Field in the city.
  • Five airstrikes targeted AL-Hodeida Airport.
  • One airstrike targeted Kamaran Island.
  • Ten airstrikes targeted AL-Khukha district.


( One airstrike )

  • One airstrike targeted AL-Ja’abi Bridge and destroyed it in Muthaikhera district
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