The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 4 – 4 – 2015

((Killed 8 civilians including 4 children and injured 66 others – the destruction of residential houses and service facilities))

– Violation date: 4/4/ 2015

Time: Over 24 hours

Place of Violation: AL-Hodeida, Saada, Sana’a and Lahjj.

– Violator: Saudi-led Coalition “War on Yemen”-

Type of violation: Saudi Arabia warplanes bombed residential houses, wheat tankers, and a mosque.

Casualties and damage:

1- (3) civilians were killed and (9) others were injured in AL-Hodeida.

2- (5) civilians were killed including (3) children and (9) others were injured including one child and (3) women in Saada, ( Munabeh- Baqem) areas.

3-(48) civilians were injured in Sana’a.

4-(3) houses were destroyed in AL-Hodeida.

5-(5) wheat tankers were destroyed.

6- One mosque was destroyed in AL- Hodeida.

7- Agan bridge was destroyed in Lahij.

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