The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 10 – 4 – 2015

((Killed 21 civilians and injured 59 others – the destruction of service facilities))

– Violation date: 10/4/2015

– Time: Over 24 hours

Place of Violation: Saada, Sana’a, Al-Jawf, and Adan.

Violator: Saudi-led coalition “War on Yemen”-

Type of violation: Bombing and destruction of worship places and service and civilian facilities.

Casualties and damages:

1- (8) civilians were killed and (11) others were injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia and its alliance on AL-Imam Abdurazaq AL-Sana’ni historical mosque (it is called Hamra Elb Mosque) and destroyed it in Dar AL-Haid area, Sanhan district, the capital of Sana’a.

2-One civilian was killed in Bani AL-Hareth district, in the capital of Sana’a.

3-(13) civilians were killed and (15) others were injured in Saada.

4- (23) civilians were injured in Bani AL-Hareth district, in the capital of Sana’a.

5- (10) civilians were injured in Amran.

6- The destruction of Dar Alhaid Mosque(Hamra Elb Mosque) where Imam Abdurazaq Al-San’ani was buried.

7- The destruction of Aden ports’ buildings,(2) grain soils, and (3) the economical establishment stores.

8- The destruction of 22 May Stadium in Aden.

9- The destruction of Saada archaeological city in Saada.

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