The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 5-6-2015

((Killed 56 civilians including children and women and injured more than 79 others including children and women))

Violation date: 5/6/2015

Time: Over 24 hours

Place of Violation: Sana’a, Saada, Shabwa, Marib, Dhamar, Hajja and Ibb.

Violator: Saudi – led Coalition “war on Yemen”-

Type of violation: Military warplanes bombed civilians’ houses and destroyed them on the heads of their inhabitants and killed them. They destroyed civilian and service installations, markets, shops, buildings, educational facilities, universities, institutes ,and transportation on the public road.

Casualties and damages:


1- (6) civilians were Killed and 18 others were injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by several airstrikes on civilians’ houses in Rahban area. The warplanes came back to bomb them again during the citizens’ gathering while searching for bodies of the victims under the rubble, The (6) civilians who were in the house of Sabra survived from the rubble one of them is the Reporter of Al-Masirah Channel and damaged 50 houses and destroyed 20 others.

2-(19) civilians including 7 women and 5 children were killed, and injured 9 others during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance on civilians’ houses and destroyed 12 of them in the village of Bani Saiah, Razih District.

3- (8) civilians from the same family, including two women and 2 children were killed by the Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by several airstrikes on civilians’ houses and destroyed 3 and damaged 10 others in Ghamar district.

4-(20) airstrikes targeted (Sheda) and (Ghamar) districts.

5- Several airstrikes targeted civilians’ houses that led to injure many civilians in Dhahyan area.

6- Eight airstrikes targeted Sheda district.

7- Several airstrikes targeted the bridge that links between Al-Hsama and Al-Dhaher (Al-Hosama) area in the border and destroyed a civilian’s car.

The Capital of Sanaa:

1- The warplanes targeted residential neighborhoods in Hadda area that led to injure 10 civilians from the workers of (Rimas) Restaurant and damaged the restaurant and damaged 20 houses and 15 shops.


1- The warplanes targeted the security point in Al-Najd Al-Ahmer area and injured 4 civilians in main road between Ibb and Taiz provinces.


1- Six airstrikes targeted Society College at Dhamar University and destroyed it.

2- Several airstrikes targeted the Vocational and Technical Institute.


1- Three airstrikes targeted a car that transmit traveler people in the public road and killed 11 civilians at (Ahem) Junction .They also targeted fuel station.

2- Several airstrikes targeted 3 farms in Meedi area.


1- Six airstrikes targeted civilians’ houses in Ataq City and destroyed Al-Ansar Mosque, Governmental facilities, health institute, the public road, and Ataq Hospital.


1- Several airstrikes targeted Al-Ashraf houses that led to kill 12 civilians and injure 25 others, including women and children and kill their livestock and destroy and damage 50 civilians’ houses and places of worship.

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